Dead man who fled to Panama out of jail

John Darwin, who faked his death in a canoeing accident off the County Durham coast in March 2002 as part of a $1,090,000 life insurance fraud, is out of jail in Yorkshire, England.
He was released on Monday (January 17) after serving half of his six-year sentence.
His wife Anne, who was part of the subterfuge which involved meeting up with her 'dead' husband in Panama City, still has two months to serve.
The story went around the world after the couple appeared in a photograph on a Panama real estate agent’s site.
They had purchased an apartment in Panama City and bought a Toyota Prado.
The revelation of their whereabouts brought a flock of print and TV journalists to Panama, before they agreed to return and face the music.
Their separate trials in Britain received wide coverage and, after their sentencing even led to the production of a tee shirt advertising the John Darwin canoeing school. {jathumbnail off}