A comedy drama exploring a Panamanian reality

Jubilados, a comedy drama for adults, explores the reality of Panamanian  older men-younger women relationships through the eyes of a humorist.

It runs January 21-23 at  the Teatro Ascanio Arosemena, Balboa.

One of two recent retirees living in New York establishes a romantic relationship with, a younger Panamanian woman.. She has financial needs and the man is looking for emotional support. Excited and happy with his new relationship, he invites his friend to accompany him to Panama in the hope of setting up a similar deal. The recently friend is not happy with the plan and neither is a younger woman who has difficulty in accepting the invitation to meet the pensioner. For her it would be prostitution. 

Another woman, has no scruples and claims that the relationship would not be prostitution but an "exchange," a reality of the world we live in. The result is the dramatic and comic exploration of a current issue seen through eyes full of humor. If you don’t have an understanding of Spanish, this is not for you, and you will be missing out on a provocative and amusing evening. {jathumbnail off}

For tickets ($20): cerussman@yahoo.com (507) 220-2283.
Carmela Gobern, Tel (507) 314-0398, goberncl@cwpanama.net
Gloria Russell, Tel (507) 220-2283, gruss28@cwpanama.net
Pius barber, Parque Lefevre, Tel (507) 224-3584
Pencas restaurant, Amador, Tel (507) 211-3671
Afro-Antillean Museum of Panama: (507) 501-4130 / 501-4131