Water crisis continues but Panama Carnival plans go ahead

Panama’s Carnival, which has suffered from maladministration and residential opposition for several years, is now in the hands of the government with a $1.5 million budget, and more expected from sponsors.
But no decision has been finalized as to where the event in March is to take place.
Tourism Czar Solomon Shamah said on Tuesday, January 4, that next week, all will be known.
His statements came as the capital city was in the midst of a water crisis, with around one million customers without water.
The water challenge has been around since December 8 and could cause problems for the organizers as one of the center pieces of Carnival in Panama is the culeco, the spraying of celebrating participants with giant hose pipes.
But that has not deterred the Tourism Authority which hopes to release detail of the route next week. Opposition in the past has come from residents in Bethania, Bella Vista and the locations around Via Espana who object to the noise, drinking and “libertine” behavior.
This year the options being considered are the Cinta Costera ,Via Espana, and Transístmica.
In January 2010 the Ministry of Works said that no major events would be alloed on the CInta Costera, after the damage caused during the first of Mayor Bosco Vallarino’s Christmas extravaganzas. But the government relented and allowed the Christmas villages to reappear in December. No assessment has yet been released on damage to grass, shrubbery and standing fixtures.
Shamah says the authority will follow the recommendations of the National Police, because "security outweighs convenience. "
He will also be seeking advice from the Minister of Public Works, the National System of Civil Protection authority (Sinaproc) and Civil organizations.
Residents were not mentioned, but the voices of those in the chosen location are sure to be raised.
Shamah said he has not yet established a mechanism for selecting the Carnival Queen but , is looking at a “cybernetic system.” {jathumbnail off}