Panama pensioners enter New Year still awaiting pension boost

After a year of appeals, protests and street demonstrations, Panama’s jubilados (retirees) some receiving as little as $50 a month, are still awaiting an offer from the government.
Amidst news of a booming economy and projected growth of 9 percent, pensioners wanting a raise have been told to be patient.
After being told on one weekend by the Minister of Health that they would be getting a substantial raise, a retraction was made 48 hours later.
Since then they have been told to be patient.
Now Minister of Small and Medium Businesses, Gisell Burillo, a member of a commission investigating the pensioner’s demands, said that no firm decision has been reached but the comission is still hoping that retirees will accept a payment of two yearly bonuses instead of a monthly increase.
The commission had hoped to provide bonuses of up to $200 twice a year to pensioners earning less than $1,500 a month.
But that proposal was rejected by Eladio Fernández who heads the Confederación Nacional de Jubilados y Pensionados de Panama said the group wants increases to their monthly pensions and would begin organizing protests if the issue is not resolved soon.
But Burillo , said "I think that we will reach a successful outcome before any streets are blocked."
Retirees are seeking a $50 monthly pension increase, which Social Security officials claim is too high.
Minister of Finance Alberto Vallarino said on Sunday, January 2, that the government was still considering a tax increase on beer and liquor sales to pay for a pension boost.
Meanwhile the cost of food and transportation continues to rise and the president has his key lieutenants have left on a visit to the USA.