A lifetime discount card for founder members of new social club

The Social Scene
With Dra Lourdes Quijada
Participants in the launch of the CanadaPLUS Club on Thursday (January 6) will have the opportunity of becoming Lifetime “Founder” members and will receive a membership discount card with no expiry date.
And it’s not only for Canadians. The PLUS means the group, with ongoing social and community functions, is open to all people able to communicate in English. It provides a great opportunity for Panamanians to polish their English, and for English speaking residents and visitors to meet fellow countrymen or to attend events involving the local community.
The opening event, A Twelfth Night (last day of Christmas) Revel, will be at the Roma Antica Restaurant on Thursday for membership registration when details of the many discounts available will be announced.
After the opening get together, if you wish to dine you will have the choice of three special menus prepared by the chef for the launch ranging from $15 to a gourmet $30 meal, or you can eat a la carte, from an extensive menu. There are some very acceptable wines with acceptable prices to match but I suggest you contact the organizers (see below) to reserve a table.
Tickets for the next special event , a Year of the Rabbit (Chinese New Year) Feast on February 2, will also be available. The dinner will be at the Madame Chang Restaurant in Marbella. Members will get tickets at a discounted price.
Included in the upcoming calendar of events will be a Royal Wedding Champagne Extravaganza, on April 29, complete with a wedding cake, at The French Quarter Restaurant in Bella Vista. If you don’t know whose Royal Wedding, you haven’t been reading the news. Stand by for a bombardment of details in the coming months as the “in” people fight for invitations to Westminster.
There will be at least one social gathering each month and the Club’s website, containing details of upcoming events will be launched later in January.
Membership will be $25 single, $40 double, each year, but for Thursday invitees, that’s for life.
You can pre-register for Thursday, or The Chinese New Year event at clubcanadaplus@gmail.com or by calling 6619 6890.