A Christmas creation of light tradition gets 69th performance

Worshippers from across Panama City attended the 69th Candlelight service at the Balboa Union Church on Christmas Eve.
The Pageant, telling the story of Christmas, was billed this year as A Night of Stars and Angels. It follows the path set down in 1941, when the blackout encircling the Canal Zone and the city, was brightened, courtesy of the commanding general, with candles placed on the lawn in front of the church.
It has continued unbroken ever since. Bethe Anne Gray of the Worship and Ministry Committee and Phil Edmonston, Mission Committee Chair joined Rev.
Roland Schnell in delivering seasonal homilies, and Sadie Taylor, an aspiring young singer rendered O Holy Night during the offertory and received generous applause.
Candles were ignited by “angels” from the choir, who then led the congregation outside for the traditional planting alongside the path leading to the church and around tree bases, before retiring for refreshments, conversation, and the journey home to family.
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