Inappropriate language and tone


La Prensa, November 5
Sad to say the least, were the words of the President when referring to certain private schools.

On the one hand, it is painful that the highest figure in the nation applies to certain groups such negative epithets, and in a tone and language inappropriate for someone who represents all Panamanians.

Referring to certain private schools as 'Yeyes' [toffee nosed] is nothing more than creating class divisions. As well as being odious the words are unacceptable, and are precisely those that generate manifestations of hatred and intolerance.
The president's statements are much more questionable when one considers the fact that there have been many times that he has boasted of his personal fortune.

On the other hand, the President cannot force any student to march for national holidays, much less limit graduation diplomas to students of the schools that parade.
Mr President, the country has serious problems, deal with them seriously and without demagogy,. Things are definitely … not going well.*

*The reference is to a government TV and radio campaign  with the theme that Things are going well, for the people of Panama. {jathumbnail off}