Panama City Council to investigate Mayor Bosco Vallarino

Barely a week after Panama City Council approved Mayor Bosco Vallarino’s  firing of city treasurer Emerardo Martinez, the same members have voted to set up a commission to investigate  the mayor.

Bosco Vallarino

The move was led by Sergio Galvez, who belongs to the same political group as Vallarino "The problem in the municipality is not the body but its head," said Galvez.

Accusations made by Martinez against the mayor in the media. sparked the  call for an investigation
Martinez says the mayor ordered him to remove the debts of several contributors from the city’s database. He also accused the mayor of overstepping his duties, to pay suppliers of City Hall, an exclusive competence of the Treasury.

The group will be chaired by PRD member Carlos Lee who said he will call the former treasurer to present evidence. The commission will have 60 days to assess the situation and submit a report to the full City Council.

Vallarino said, he has no problem with being investigated, since he has not committed any illegal act."

Vallarino fired Martinez after accusing him of giving certificates of freedom from harassment, to people with municipal debt, without payment agreements.
He also claimed that the treasurer allowed debts of $2 million a month to lapse debt, and maintained a deficit of $9 million in municipal revenues.
Vallarino has said he will make the appointment of a new treasurer on Monday, which sources say will be banker Mario Rojas, a fellow member of the Panamanista Party.