FBI still helping in Wild Bill investigation

Panamanian authorities will meet with U.S. FBI officials Monday (August 16), to discuss the ongoing murder investigation involving the deaths of five American citizens in Bocas del Toro. for which teh perpetrators might spend only 10 years  behind bars.

Two Americans, William “Wild Bill” Dathan Holbert and his wife, Laura Michelle Reese, currently in jail in Panama City, are charged with the crimes. Authorities say the couple committed the murders to steal property from the victims.
Panamanian prosecutor Angel Calderón said the FBI is looking to positively identify the victims and to help local authorities gather evidence in the case.
Critca, a Panamanian tabloid,, carried a front page story on Sunday, suggesting that as the crimes took place before the penal laws were revised, Holbert, who has confessed to the crimes could face a maximum sentence of 20 years and with time off for good behavior. be out in 10. His wife has refused to give any statement to investigating prosecutors.