Church leader asks Government to suspend Bill 30 propaganda

 The president of the Ecumenical Committee of Panama, Pablo Morales, has asked the Government to suspend its propaganda campaign in favor of the controversial Bill 30, to avoid breaking the dialogue that was supposed to provide input from different segments of society.

While the talks had  on for only a week, the Government launched a media advertising and PR blitz apparently intended to discredit participants in the national round table forum.


Unions and civil groups are promising to return to the streets.

Morales, who represents religious groups at the table, said that if the government wants to uphold the law, it must do so through their spokesmen at the national forum.To carry out a propaganda campaign at at this time creates confusion, he said, because on one hand the Government claims an intention of dialogue while initiating other actions that suggest that they do not want agreement..

Trade unionists  warn that despite the discourse of the Government it appears that there will be no agreement and have announced they will be ready to fight again in the streets demanding the repeal of the law They questioned the propaganda circulating in the media, including derogatory messages against them and civil society organizations. .