Justice in Panama dressed in black

What the papers say

La Prensa, Hoy por Hoy, August 11

The farce came to an end and a person without having committed any crime has been condemned by a panel of judges at the unconditional service of the Executive. The Attorney General’s Office has been subjected to undeserved ridicule because the President of the Republic became infatuated with his job. Do not forget that if there is a legal responsibility for this slander against an official who did something to fulfill his duty; that belongs to the President of the Republic.

On his shoulders for the rest of his days he will have to bear the guilt of having committed an outrage against the innocent as the mastermind of this atrocity. No less disgusting is the conduct of the majority of the judges of the Supreme Court, who became the perpetrators of this mess.

With what moral will these judges continue to provide justice? Without any hesitation they have trampled the honor of a person just to please the whim of a an unrestrained power hungry ruler. To condemn an innocent man is without doubt the most despicable, abominable and vile of all the injustices that can be committed, and therefore justice in Panama is once again dressed in black.