Murder victim was in witness protection program

Mike Brown, the first known confirmed victim in Panama of William Dathan “Wild Bill” Holbert was a “protected witness” in a US DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) program.
The latest information contradicts reports that he was a fugitive from justice.
His real name was Francis Mark Allen who had been indicted in the US on criminal charges and whose identity was changed when he turned informer, and cooperated with the DEA in a drug investigation case.

He had been indicted. on drug and kidnapping charges, but cooperated with the DEA, leading to the capture of some shipments of cocaine. He was then integrated into the witness protection system.

He was given another identity and sent to Bocas del Toro, Panama, where in 2006 he became friends with Wild Bill Holbert, and in 2007, killed him as as well as his son and his wife.

The assistant prosecutor, Angel Calderón, has asked the FBI for further information relating to Brown, but has so far received no response
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Wild Bill has confessed to five killings and investigations are continuing. He has refused psychiatric investigation.