Nicaragua agrees to extradite couple charged with murder

 A couple arrested in Nicaragua on suspicion of multiple murders in Bocas Del Toro, could be back in Panama as early as Friday.

Nicaragua agreed on Tuesday, July 27  to return murder suspects William "Wild Bill" Adolphus Cortez, , and his wife Jeana Seana, to Panama to stand trial.
The Panamanian ambassador to Nicaragua, Olimpo Sáenz Marcucci, presented a request for extradition Tuesday. Approval to  grant the request was made the same day. 
Police say the couple may have been involved in killing as many as seven people.
The pair were arrested earlier this week while trying to cross the border from Costa Rica into Nicaragua.

They are accused of killing Bo Icelar and Cher Lynn Hughes in Bocas del Toro. The motive of the alleged crime was to steal property belonging to the dead people. persons.

The bodies of the two victims were found on property inhabited by the couple.