Second body identified in Bocas murder scandal

The second body found buried in the grounds of a home in Bocas del Toro has been identified as  Bo Icelar, an American who disappeared in November 2009.
The identification was made possible through dental samples Carrillo, further excavations are taking place at the site to see if more bodies are buried there. The U.S. government has provided assistance from the FBI to help with the case. Panama is also working with Interpol.
The body was one of two found last week on the property inhabited by William Adolfo Cortez Reese, who went by the nickname Wild Bill, and his wife. Police have launched an international manhunt for the pair, who are believed to be either in Panama or Costa Rica.
The other body found on the property was of American Cher Hughes, who went missing this year. In both cases, Reese had told people that the victims had sold their properties to him and left the country.
Police believe Reese and his wife may have killed as many as five other people in Panama, including the family of three who owned the residence where the bodies were found. Reese took over that property shortly after arriving in Panama, again claiming that it had been sold to him. He also may have killed several indigenous workers from the area.