A legal maneuver to remove Panama mayor from office

A petition asking for the reversal of a decision to restore Panamanian citizenship to Mayor Bosco Vallarino has been presented to the Supreme Court of Panama.
Miguel Antonio Bernal. It asked the court to declare unconstitutional the resolution that restored citizenship to the mayor and was presented by lawyer Miguel Antonio Bernal.
The appeal was filed on behalf of citizen Mario Castle  on Thursday.

According to the lawsuit, the mayor acknowledged explicitly, publicly and notoriously during the election campaign of 2009, to having renounced Panamanian nationality.

The complaint states that this act means suspension of his civil rights by the competent authorities of the Civil Registry.

It states as a final request that the resolution should be declared unconstitutional and therefore mayor Vallarino should be removed from office.
During the election campaign it was revealed that Vallarino had obtained American citizenship, and sworn allegiance to the U.S.
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