New law leading to nationwide protests, deaths and general strike in Panama

The fast track passing of nine bills in one, under the guise of a law relating to aviation has led to nationwide protests, two deaths scores of injured, massive property damage and a looming national strike in Panama.

The ninth day of a strike in Changuinola saw another fatality in  the fighting between unionists, indigenous people and other residents, and the National Police with numerous reports of excessive force.
Virgilio Castillo, 41, became the second fatality from the chaos that exists in Bocas del Toro, which has cost millions in lost  trade, and about 120 wounded, many with serious effects to the eyes.
Public Security Minister, Jose Raul Mulino has described the Changuinola demonstators as “drunken alcoholics.”

In Panama  on Saturday, armed riot police ringed a hotel where union and civil activists leaders were meeting to discuss the law (Bill 30) and a general strike, an official reaction  that has been compared to the Noriega years.
Over 50 activists were arrested according to news reports.

Government attempts to achieve a negotiated solution to the crisis have failed with anger rising among demonstarors over the deaths, the comments from the minister and the arrest of activists in Panama City.
Amnog those who have made the journey to Bocas are Vice-president, Juan Carlos Vareal, the Minister of the Presidency, Demetrio Papadimitriu., Minister of Government, Roxana Mendez, and the director of the Social Investment Fund, Giacomo Tamburrelli.

Reports said that Ministry of Labor offices and the institution’s vehicle in Changuinola had been vandalized.{jathumbnail off}