Demonstrations against Panama’s 9 in one law bring chaos to city traffic

 Traffic chaos spread across Panama city yesterday during morning, noon and evening rush hours as students, workers and representatives of teachers, medical workers and civil rights groups extended the country wide protests against Bill 30, the 9 in one law, that has changed labor laws and introduced multiple side issues under the umbrella of an aviation bills

They followed a week of protests in Colon, by striking canal expansion workers, with 28 of them now in jail, and violent confrontations between National police and Banana workers in Bocos del Toro,leading to scores of injuries and one death. Most of the injured were Ngobe Bugle indigenous people Warnings were issued to   expat Americans who live in the area to stay  at home.

Four of the injured were transferred to San Tomas Hospital in Panama.

In Panama a spokeswoman for the Presidency called for prudence, dialogue and for demonstrators to refrain from acts of violence or harm to others.
University of Panama students closed Transístmica to protest the 9 in one Law 30, in support of the workers in the province of Bocas del Toro whose strike was largely a reaction to events arising out of the law and the effects of changes to the labor laws.
Construction workers closed Avenida Balboa, with groups rotating to close different sections. As one cleared another would be closed. There was no violence. Calle 50 was closed at lunch time and later in the day demonstrating civil rights groups, teachers,  medical  andconstructionworkers blocked Via Expana.
In Colon, Canal expansion workers clashed with riot police earlier in the week and 28 were jailed. They were protesting against poor working conditions and low pay. The strike started on Saturday July 3. A worker died while working on a dredger in Gatun on July 6.