Panamas Team Martinelli to get a make over this week

Team Martinelli is about to change. Like many of the superstars in the World Cup they have not been meeting expectations, but instead of getting the toe of the boot of the people, they will be asked to resign.


Whether they have been playing on the wings, in center field, or in defense of some of the administration’s decisions , they will be relegated to the sidelines. If the management style has really changed they will permanently disappear from sight, but if tradition is maintained they will end up playing in a minor sinecure division.
In an interview with La Prensa, which has been strongly critical of the team’s performance and the hands on control of the manager, President Ricardo Martinelli says the shakeup will be announced later in the week, and the new team will take the field on Thursday June 24.
Some Ministers, heads of autonomous bodies and Governors who have not come up to scratch, conformed to the manager’s rulings or whose abilities were never meant to be displayed on the big field, will be gone the president warned while reviewing  the team’s performance during his first year in office.
‘I’m going to ask them to resign” said Martinelli and re-introduced a word that became the lynch pin of his election campaign “We are going to have to change," He said, He declined to give names and didn’t indicate if he was using the royal “we”.
During the meeting with La Prensa he discussed some of the controversial decisions made by his government.
"I accept and I think the criticism absolutely right. I agree that this was not the best," he said referring to questions on the adoption of Bill 30, known as  "9 in 1"., which has created repeated street protests and a threatened general strike in July.
Te head of state also referred to the functioning of justice, insecurity, the administration’s achievements, his relationship with his cousin in prison in Mexico, and with civil society.
The team will change, but the manager will remain.