Another head rolls at Panamas water resources authority

The muddied waters of Panama’s Water Resources Authority Panama (ARAP) got murkier on Friday (June 25) with the firing of the administrator Diana Arauz.

A government source, who requested anonymity, told La Prensa that the president, Ricardo Martinelli, made the dismissal decision.
The firing came a day after La Prensa published a report of “alleged illegal dealings in the entity- brought to light by Kriss Poveda, former National Director of Inspection, Supervision and Control of ARAP.

However, says La Prensa it is not clear whether this was the cause of the dismissal of Araúz.

Poveda, in an interview with La Prensa , said that on June 16, Arauz fired her claiming she was "not a facilitator of users." According Poveda, the then administrator of ARAP fired her because of her for preventing  the departure of 17 vessels undergoing investigation for illegal fishing operations. She said that Arauz had said that the firing order was on direct orders from the president

In the offices of the ARAP Araúz confirmed the dismissal.Maricel Morales took office as, acting as trustee.