Letters to the Editor

Letters and messages mourning the death of  Richard Vizor,  a figurehead in the expat community, continue to arrive.

To the editor:
It is with great sadness that I have learned of Richard’s passing. I knew him albeit briefly when I visited Panama City last September/ October and was introduced to him through fellow ex-pat friends. Richard possessed that very special quality of human warmth that those who knew him can only hope to emulate. I will never forget his kindness and the hours he spent with me helping me through what was a particularly difficult time for me personally. Albeit posthumously, I cannot thank him enough. I send my heartfelt condolences to his wife Yantzi who I never did meet and to his family and many dear friends on the world’s most famous isthmus. Panama to me is an unfinished Picasso – a work in progress – and it is a country he was so proud to have been a part of. I have every intention of returning there one day to reconvene with his friends. Meanwhile I would like him to know that I think of him often.
May you rest in peace Richard.
Affectionately yours.
David (Fletcher) UK

I was deeply shocked to see in your excellent news report that Richard Vizor had died recently. I presume that it was a resurgence of his cancer. But what a loss! The ex-pat community will miss him, his luncheons and his seemingly tireless cheerful energy.
Geoffrey Clarkson, USA.