Former Vice President gets plum contract from government

Felipe Virzi a former vice president and businessman  has something to celebrate. 
The Government has awarded a direct contract to the Financial Pavilion Estate Company Inc., whose president is  Virzi,  a friend of President Ricardo Martinelli says La Prensa.
The the contract, worth $426,000 a year is for for leasing the new headquarters of the Transit Authority (ATTT) according to official reports.

"The President had nothing to do with it at all," said Jorge Ricardo Fabrega, director of the ATTTwhen asked about the contract.

The new facility in Los Pueblos will have 5100 square meters of space, 600 more than the former headquarters of the ATTT in Pedregal. The building was about to be bought by the previous administration for $4 million. The directors refused after concluding that the purchase was not appropriate.