Wheels of justice grind slowly

More than six months have passed since prosecutors submitted an application for the opening of a murder case against former Minister of the Interior and Justice Daniel Delgado Diamante but no date has been set for a trial
He was charged with the murder of National Guard Corporal Andrés García, during the military dictatorship.
García died after being shot in his home by Diamante,on Feb. 8, 1970. Diamente was then a second lieutenant. Both men were stationed in Casco Viejo.
Dimante claims the shooting was committed in self-defense, and that he was cleared of any wrongdoing by a court at the time. No record has ever been found, however, of any judicial inquiry. Garcia’s relatives have disputed that account, saying he was murdered.
The case was passed to Franklin Amaya in October 2008, says La Prensa