Clamp down on city clubs and bars

Clubs and bars in the capital city soon will close at 3:00 says the Minister of Government and Justice, Jose Raul Mulino.
He referred to Mayor Bosco Vallarino a draft decree that seeks to regulate the closing hours of these premises, as known in other countries such as law or decree "carrot."

Mulino said that from Sunday to Wednesday, outlets selling liquor will close at 2:00 am, while Thursday through Saturday, when there is a greater influx of people, They will be allowed to stay open to 3:00 a.m.

"I accept the paternity of this project and I do not feel that the mayor is going to have problems with this," the minister said

The measure seeks to reduce violence in the streets and "keep people from driving drunk."
Mario Luis Gonzalez, president of the Association of Bars and Clubs, said they have not been consulted. According to Gonzalez, the proposal would violate legal security, citing the many foreign investments.

He claimed that many local and Uruguay street called Zona Viva Amador, open only Wednesday through Sunday and the measure will affect them.

City councilor Carlos Perez Herrera from the district of San Francisco, where they operate many of the businesses operate, welcomes the move as a way tor reduce crime.
The president of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture, Adolfo Linares, welcomed the measure which had been applied successfully in other countries.