Panama banks get a thumbs up from Fitch

Banks in Panama, Costa Rica and el Salvador, got a pat on the back from Fitch Ratings agency on Thursday, because its banks are “better off” than those of Nicaragua and Honduras.
"We feel that the regulation and the levels of solvency and liquidity financial systems in Panama, Costa Rica and El Salvador are adequate and are trained to accompany the economic recovery, "he said.
The report highlighted the economic fragility of Nicaragua and Honduras and the Fitch regional director, Choussy Maurice said that that Guatemala needs more regulation.
"Nicaragua is experiencing at this time a pre-election period" , said the expert, who warned of some institutions engaged in microfinance in the country that has "solvency problems."
In Honduras the institutional crisis was not yet over and still to be resolved are the problems by the populist measures taken by the government that will require an adjustment in the economic sphere that will definitely affect the financial system, Said Maurice.
Honduras suffered a political crisis after the fall, in June of then President Manuel Zelaya and the coming to power of de facto president Roberto Micheletti.