Theatre Guild offering Great Expectations

Great Expectations indeed …. It’s what theater goers always have, and are rarely disappointed, when they visit the Theatre Guild of Ancon.
Their next performance will be a sort of double entendre, the audience high hopes and the title of one of the most loved works of Charles Dickens.
But if you are steeped in the works of the great Victorian novelist and are expecting to see young Pip wreathed in Thames-side fog with a prison hulk looming in the background, then you are in for a surprise, or shock, depending on your temperament, or devotion to Dickens.
The Guild, now in its 60th year, and with it’s exterior recently freshened up by a team of volunteers wielding paint brushes, has decided to extend the revamping process to the old masterpiece and the setting for the plot will skip from the early 19th century to the closing years of the 20th, with Pip transformed into a clerk in a VHS store.
Described in a press release as “A homage to movies and the people who love them,” the adaptation has been put through a “pop-culture filter” although the names of the principle characters still survive, Miss Havisham, Magwitch, Estella, Joe and Jaggers.
It is a bold undertaking written and directed by Bob Riveria and produced by Kimberly Hall whose last major production was Strangely Familiar late last year, and an unbounded success
This presentation may be strangely unfamiliar, but we will be there …. with great expectations.
The play will run Thursday through Saturday on the last two weekends of April,starting April 22. All performances start at 8 p.m. and tickets are $10 with the proceeds going to the Anniversary Facelift Campaign.
Refreshments and pre-show chat and friendship renewals on the outside balcony each evening.
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