A cultural map for Panama

Panama’s first “Cultural Map” will be released in October bringing together a compendium of artists and arts from across the country.
Ricaurte Martínez, President of the organizing body, the Panamanian Association of Plastic Artists, said the aim is to collect information on cultural activities and diverse artists, including musicians, playwrights, dancers, writers, painters, sculptors, artisans, photographers, and others.
Tje project, sponsored by Banco Nacional de Panamá (the National Bank of Panama), seeks to put culture at the service of the world and offer artists a place to publicize their works and their activities.
The project, representing an investment of over $60,000, will be presented as a CD, a directory, and a website and is slated to be launched on Oct. 12 this year.
All artists interested in publicizing their art are invited to participate.