Mayor’s approval rating falls to 23 percent

Over 66 percent of Panama’s citizens believe that Mayor Bosco Vallarino’s management is “bad” or “very bad”.
In a survey conducted by surveyed by Unimer Vallarino got the thumbs down from 66.6 percent of respondents. Only 23.4 percent approved of his management and 10 percent declined to say.
In the last survey in October 2009, the level of rejection had already reached 57.4percent of respondents with 35.6 percent approving his performance.
In baseball, three strikes and you are out. In politics the rules are different.
Among the mayor’s performances that have accelerated his fall from grace have been: Investigations by the Electoral Tribunal into his failing to reveal his American citizenship when running for office; the authorizing of a check within weeks of taking office to pay for an overseas jaunt by his wife; the Christmas fair on the Cinta Costera that cost the city over $1miilion dollars and led to the destruction of trees, shrubs grass and utilities; band shell performances on the Cinta Costera and a proposal for a giant TV screen; his pay being garnisheed after a judgment went against him for slandering the previous mayor, the continuing garbage problem and the public perception that he approved the advertising screen on Avenida Balboa. {jathumbnail off}