Thousands march, sing and chant to protest government decrees

A major demonstration by numerous groups objecting to government polices passed off peacefully on Thursday as riot police stood by near the presidential palace.

Teachers marchBut, before the marchers dispersed,  there were threats of strikes if the construction workers who have sat in jail since their arrest on Wednesday after violent confrontations with the police, are not released by Saturday. Both sides claimed provocation.  

The marchers included teachers, construction and social security workers, farmers and students.

They chanted and sang as they paraded towards Casco Viejo, waving flags and smiling. Representatives of some 10 different groups who met with Secretary of Public Affairs, Juan Carlos Illueca,  other officials and the presidential spokeswoman, Judy Meana.

 The demonstrators were represented by Priscilla Vasquez of the Association of Employees of the CSS (Anfacss), Genaro Lopez, secretary general of the Union of Construction Workers (SUNTRACS), Andrés Rodríguez, the Association of Professors of Panama (ASOPROF), Mario Almanza, the Authentic Independent Teachers Association (AMIA) .
The workers’ committee presented a list of their concerns including the format of
school curriculum changes, reforms to the Social Security laws and tax reform.They also want to change the rules about basic wage increases arguing that recedntchanges were “selective.”
The presidential spokesperson said: "We received the document and it is the President who would need to order the creation of a special commission to look at this" said Judy Meana.

Social Security workersOver 200  workers, members of SUNTRACS,are still detained in La Joyita, for participating in riots on Tuesday and Wednesday, said Deputy Commissioner of the National Police, Porfirio Justavino.

In the group there are 10 detainees with pending cases ranging from theft to murder. The 15 university students detained in the riots were released after negotiations between the rector of the University of Panama, Gustavo Garcia de Paredes, and Gustavo Perez, Chief of Police.

More photos can be seen in the picture file Anti-government march {jathumbnail off}