Anti-government street demonstrations to increase

Hot on the heels of recent demonstrations by the construction workers union SUNTRACS, come promises of more street actions by other worker groups protesting Martinelli administrations policies
The government has said it will not let SUNTRACS block the streets again. The last time that happened there were clashes with riot police who used tear gas against the demonstrators.
Leaders of the National Council of Organized Workers (Conato) has said it will continue protesting government policies that hurt their members.
Conato official Mariano Mena says that when President Ricardo Martinelli came to office the government launched a crusade against the union, as well as other social organizations.
"We call attention to the fact that the national government is on a path that will eventually cause harm to the working class and people in general," he said.
Mena said the president has taken punitive action against any organization that has opposed his policies. Those actions were not healthy for a democracy, or for the harmony of Panamanians.
On Monday the group published a series of advertisements denouncing government policies and is calling for action on March 26.
Mario Almanza, the new coordinator of the union Frenadeso, also thinks Martinelli has not addressed the problems facing the country. "We hope not to go on strike, but Martinelli must listen to us," he said
Minister of Labor Alma Cortés denied the government was on a crusade against workers.