US condemns Panama judicial interference and corruption as government hires spin doctor

Timing is everything but a perfect PR storm hit Panama on Thursday.
It startied with the announcement of a $15,000 a month job for an American PR man who worked with George W. Bush, to help put a better gloss on Panama’s image around the world.
Then followed an announcement by President Ricardo Martinelli that criminals can’t play games with him and he is going to defeat the “murdering bastards” responsible for the all time high killing sprees in the cities, chiefly Panama and Colon.
Soon after came an EFE report that a US State Department report condemns corruption and political interference in the judiciary in Panama.
It says the human rights problems remain serious and there is still pressure on the in the press and violence against women and children.
Thereport analyzes purchase of advertising space in the media by the government to reward "organizations that publish favorable reports," according to news agency EFE
The timing was unfortunate for Minister of the Presidency, Demetrio Papadimitriu, confirmed that publicist Terry Holt, had been hired to "give the country a good image internationally.”
Holt has informed U.S. authorities, that his contract with Panama will cover services as a publicist solely, not as a strategist.
As required by U.S. law, Holt and his company HDMK were registered in December 2009 at the Justice Department as "agents" of the Government of Martinelli.
The imaging expert has previously worked with the team of George W. Bush. His contract with the Martinelli administration will have a duration of one year at approximately $15,000 per month.