Freezer smell sends members of mayor’s tour scurrying

Pressured on all sides, from Government Health Inspectors, the media and the governor of Pananama, City Mayor Bosco Vallarino decided on Thursday to smell and see for himself some of the problems associated with the Mercado del Marisco (the Fish Market).
Accompanied by representatives of a Brazilian refrigeration company he set out to check what changes need to be made to improve the facility’s sanitation.
According to La Prensa Vallarino got an earful with s complaints from tenants,complaining the lack of water at the facility and the high price of ice.
A bag of ice once costing $1.50, they said, now costs $2.50.
Another group of tenants continued unloading their products, while waving pieces of cardboard to drive off the flies in the air around them.
“Apparently”. Said La Prensa, the visit had not been announced, as Administrator Carlos Castro ordered workers to begin cleaning the floors of the market, which were covered with fish parts.”
Hours earlier Castro had received orders from the Ministry of Health to disinfect the floors with chlorine to destroy the odors.
When the tour reached a freezer, the smell was so bad that several members of the party had to scurry out of the area.
After the tour, asked about what changes would be made to the facility, the mayor but offered no comment.