Transport Authority moving headquarters

For anyone who has battled the traffic snarl leading to theTransport Auhority (ATTT) building in Pedregal to renew a license or attend a traffic court hearing, the news of a move to almost anywhere will be welcome.
At the present site finding a parking space can mean a long wait, and then only for a spot in a waterlogged field at the bottom of a ramp.
The long lines waiting for service add to the ordeal
The ATTT will move out of its current building to new headquarters in Juan Díaz Mall.
Tthe new office space will cost some $1.4 million, from the agency’s 2010 budget.
"This will be easier for users," said George Fabrega, ATTT director.
But some people passing through the mall recently felt that the arrival of the ATTT will create congestion in the area.
Transportation union leader Dionel Broce said the ATTT should divide its offices into two parts, so that it would make it easier for people seeking help as well as reduce congestion for businesses nearby.
So don’t hold your breath