FARC condemns Panama aggressive policy alleging US links

FARC (The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia) has issued a statement calling for Panama to suspend attacks against insurgents in the border area of Darien and Columbia.

 The FARC flagFARC says its policy is not to fight with the armed forces of neighboring countries.

The statement comes almost two weeks after Panama reported the deaths of three FARC in the border area.
The guerrilla organization denounced the "inexplicably aggressive policy" by the authorities of Panama in conjunction with the Armed Forces of Colombia, which includes offers of rewards for rebel commanders as well as catching and attacking FARC fighters.

"It is possible that the government (in Panama) ignore the guarding of the border to develops joint patrols with the Army of Colombia,” FARC said through www.anncol.eu Anncol agency.

The rebel group said troops from Panama and Colombia have a close relationship with U.S. military stationed at a base in the border area.