Dressing down on the international stage

The arrival of President Ricardo Martinelli in Honduras for the inauguration of that country’s new president showed him dressed in jeans and a tee shirt.

 Photographs which appeared in papers across the region generated strong statements  and opinions. In an editorial Panama America said:
“President of the Republic apparently has a chief of protocol and advisers who dare to make certain recommendations, , which he ignores.
"The façade of the photo of his recent arrival to the brotherly people of Honduras, where he attended the inauguration of its new president, is depressing. Rather than taking into account his personal comfort, he must give thought to the fact that he represents our country. He should consider that the his reception would be for the rank he deserves, and he must respond appropriately dressed for the occasion, not as he was, which constituted a rebuff to those who received him..

“With respect, for the image of the country and those who live here, we ask the President to adapt his  style of dress to fit the circumstances.”