Panama continues Haiti aid amid crossed signals

Chaos in Haiti and confusion in Panama. The Parque Omar collection for citizen donations of food and other essentials was closed and First Lady Martinelli was quoted as saying  the closure was because there was no possibility of sending aid to Haiti.

Meanwhile Xavier Castilian, director of the Pan American Disaster Response of the International Federation of Red Cross is calling for hygiene kits, cooking products, containers to collect water, construction tools and blankets.

Bocchit Edmond, Haiti’s ambassador in Panama, asked the public to bring their donations to the Red Cross headquarters in Panama, located in Albrook, as the collection center of the Parque Omar was closed.

The deputy regional director of the regional headquarters of the World Food Program United Nations, Jaime Vallaure, reported  that the agency is serving as a channel to send aid in an expeditious manner.

An account  02080622-2 has been opened in the Banco Nacional de Panama to receive donations.

The Spanish Agency of International Development Cooperation (AECI) has sent three  flights to Haiti  fromPanama with 40 tons of humanitarian aid including a water treatment plant valued at $ 150,000. 

The first flight with 24 tons of aid, included 8 tons of equipment from Doctors Without Borders. 

The second flight included supplies from humanitarian groups such as Oxfam, Action Against Hunger, and the Organization of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and World Food Program (WFP).

Among the  supplies were medicine, food, hygiene kits and kitchen linen, blankets, plastic portable toilets, cots, jet pumps, generators, tents and awnings,

Meanwhile, search specialists, including four canine units of Panama are involved in  locating survivors and develop and are  guarded by UN troops

"We are in constant communication with the mission to Panama and now our first response team has been split into two teams and in conjunction with the French mission searching for survivors of the earthquake in schools Stagg and Daniel  Pilone Pierre  in Port au Prince," said  a spokesmanfro Panama’s civil defense unit, SINAPROC.

Meanwhile Xavier Castilian, director of the Pan American Disaster Response of the International Federation of Red Cross is calling for hygiene kits, cooking products, containers to collect water, construction tools and blankets.
Bocchit Edmond, Haiti’s ambassador in Panama, asked the public to bring their donations to the Red Cross headquarters in Panama, located in Albrook, as the collection center of the Parque Omar was closed.


The deputy regional director of the regional headquarters of the World Food Program United Nations, Jaime Vallaure, reported that the agency is serving as a channel to send aid in an expeditious manner.

An account 02080622-2 has been opened in the Banco Nacional de Panama to receive donations.

The Spanish Agency of International Development Cooperation (AECI) has sent three flights to Haiti fromPanama with 40 tons of humanitarian aid including a water treatment plant valued at $ 150,000.
The first flight with 24 tons of aid, included 8 tons of equipment from Doctors Without Borders.

The second flight included supplies from humanitarian groups such as Oxfam, Action Against Hunger, and the Organization of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and World Food Program (WFP).
Among the supplies were medicine, food, hygiene kits and kitchen linen, blankets, plastic portable toilets, cots, jet pumps, generators, tents and awnings,

Meanwhile, search specialists, including four canine units of Panama are involved in locating survivors and develop and are guarded by UN troops

"We are in constant communication with the mission to Panama and now our first response team has been split into two teams and in conjunction with the French mission searching for survivors of the earthquake in schools Stagg and Daniel Pilone Pierre in Port au Prince," said a spokesmanfro Panama’s civil defense unit, SINAPROC.