Panamanians missing as aid team leaves for Haiti and citizens give support

Two Panamanians who were reported missing on the island of Haiti following the massive earthquake were found Thursday.

Sorting donations at Parque OmarArthur Alvarado, director of the SINAPROC (Panama’s civil defense agency) released the news and said that brings to nine the number who have been located and rescued.Seven others are still missing. No names have been released.

On Thursday a 32- strong  team of doctors, nurses, paramedics and rescuers, and four sniffer dogs, left for the Dominican Republic and traveled by road to the Haitian capital. Port au Prince.

The team members were vaccinated against influenza A (H1N1) and hepatitis before leaving on their rescue mission. 

Meanwhile Panamanians, foreign residents businesses and expat organizations, continued to donate large amounts of dry foods and bottled water for shipping to the devastated island.SINAPROC workers stacking supplies

Supermarkets across the city set up collection trolleys and at Parque Omar, SINAPROC staff and volunteers worked at sorting and repacking tons of donations.Supermarkets had collection points

One of the biggest problem facing agencies and rescue teams in Haiti is the funding needed to provide continuing help, and medical supplies, and government leaders around the world have asked people to donate to known charities like Oxfam and the Red Cross.

During past natural disasters scam operations have surfaced across the world. Those wishing to donate should make certain the money is going to a reputable source. {jathumbnail off}