Biggest political corruption scandal returns to haunt legislators

One of Panama’s biggest political corruption scandals involving numerous deputies has resurfaced after being derailed during previous investigations.
The scandal came tolight when a deputy stood up in the National Assembly waving handfuls of dollars which he alleged were being distributed to fellow legislators to vote in favor of a contract to secure a $400 million contract to build a service center Centro Multimodal, Industrial y de Servicios (CEMIS) in Colón.
National Assembly president José Luis Varela, announced that former PRD candidate Balbina Herrera would be cited to substantiate allegations in the controversial case.
La Prena quotes her as saying: “I’ll go where I have to go. If I am called by the National Assembly, the Attorney General, wherever, I will be there,"
The case, which dates 2001 was re-opened by the Supreme Court of Justice..
Herrera said she is ready and willing to corroborate the related allegations she made back in 2002 on the alleged bribery of former legislators to vote in favor of the appointment of Winston Spadafora and Alberto Cigarruista as judges in the Supreme Court.
The Court ruled last week that the National Assembly would be responsible for investigating the complaints received regarding the alleged buying of votes to endorse the appointments of both officials.
Varela said that the Credentials Committee will begin the investigation to determine if there is sufficient evidence to initiate court proceedings or if the case will be put back on the shelf.
The committee will to call on former legislators, such as Herrera, as well as current ones, to testify.
The timing is bad for the PRD, already reeling from investigations of corruption against former President Ernesto Perez Balladares who is scheduled to meet the anti-corruption prosecutor on January 15.