UN to referee Barro Blanco talks

THE ON-OFF on-off dialogue between The government and Indigenous leaders over the Barro Blanco hydroelectric project will resume on Saturday, August 1 with the United Nations acting as mediator. says Chiriqui Governor Hugo Mendez,
The meeting will take place at the Jesus Obrero mission center in Tolé, Chiriqui.
Both the Government and indigenous groups had tried last Saturday, to end the deadlock, but they met for only 30 minutes and failed to reach any agreement
That day there were closures on the Trans-America high way and at least three people were injured in the clashes among them a young girl.
Liliana Santamaria, regional medical director of the Ministry of Health, confirmed that all have received a medical discharge.
Mendez regretted that minors were being used in demonstrations and street closures.
The roads around Barro Blanco will remain guarded by police to prevent blockages affecting third parties.