OPINION: widening and deepening the gap

The feast organized by the Government to close the Bicentennial Pact is an example that what you do with your hands can be destroyed with your feet. It is incredible that the official who directly hired the caterer has seemed reasonable to spend almost $200,000 and on that when the Government must resort to credit to end the year since its bulky expenses are greater than its income. But the worst thing is the irony: the motto of the pact is “closing gaps”, but it is this type of insensitive acts that make the gaps deepen and widen. A good part of the proposals presented in the pact have to do, precisely, with projects that can be financed with that money, but it is more important to enjoy a salmon with cream cheese, cheeses and olives. If we add the more than $900.000 in advertising contracted also directly in December 2020 to publicize the agreement, we have the formula to turn a good deed into an excuse to spend money by the handful. It is a shame that while many today will dine on rice with cold cuts, those few who promise to improve their living conditions delight their palates with imported food and food – LA PRENSA, Aug. 17