OPINION:  The Minefield of Panama trials


The trial in the Odebrecht case has suffered a new delay of several months after two defendants in absentia were located in Peru. In itself, the trial is late, since the investigation process in Panama began almost ten years ago. Justice that arrives with this delay is not justice, which is why it is urgent to reform the laws to allow more agile trials so that people who are accused in the same case can be subject to substantive hearings individually, without delaying the whole process. It is notorious that judicial processes are designed with extremist formalities that facilitate and promote impunity. It is like walking in a minefield, where a mistake causes an unexpected, sudden, and unfair outcome. There is no room for corrections, only for nullities. This includes these processes that take years to complete, tailored to the accused to delay and seek prescriptions, thereby preventing justice from reaching them. The Judicial Branch has the responsibility of ensuring that justice is expeditious and if this requires reforming the law. It should begin to present the reforms to the National Assembly. — LA PRENSA, Feb. 24.