Cigarette smuggling a smoking gun for terrorism

Cigarette smuggling in Panama is old. But now the implications of this activity are much greater than in past times. The Crime Stoppers organization – a platform for anonymous reporting of crimes – described some of the problems caused by this crime, such as, for example, tax evasion, estimated at $165 million a year. But that’s not all, because those who are in this business are gangs that respond, in turn, to criminal organizations that could be financing terrorism in other parts of the world. On a smaller scale, this smuggling also serves to buy ammunition or send money to prisons or corrupt officials. This scenario, once again, brings to the fore the reforms that must be made to punish and prosecute this serious crime. At the same time, the State must pay more attention to this type of smuggling, because it is estimated that 90% of what is sold in Panama is of illicit origin. Prevention must be reinforced, as well as the law on asset forfeiture passed since these are true fortunes accumulated by those in charge. It is these things that deputies should be involved in. – LA PRENSA, Feb. 2.