Call for justice for 5 kidnapped, murdered students

AFTER TWO YEARS of apparent foot dragging, parents, family and friends of five murdered university students in Chorrera,  are calling for justice.

 "The kidnapping and murder, which occurred two years ago, is a threat to peace." said Francisco Verar, priest, during a Remembrance Mass

Verar said that, despite the passage of time, the hurt and pain in families and across the country continues.
He stressed that for two years the family and Chorrera citizens had been awaiting results:  "We are not seeking revenge but justice …God grant that in the coming days facts will be clarified and research will progress more quickly," he said.

The five young  students were kidnapped, and murdered after the killers had demanded  and collected ransoms. One student was buried while still alive.
The memorial mass at St. Francis of Paula in La Chorrera, was preceded by a march to draw attention to the demand for justice.
On September 15, 2011, the bodies of Samy Zeng Chen, Georgina Lee Chen, Joel Liu Wong, Kam Yong Loo Yessenia Jian Wu, were found in three graves inside a house in the area of El Trapichito.
The record in the case was remanded to the Third Superior Prosecutor the Second Superior Court of Justice in February 2012.