Influenza Deaths Increase in Western Panama

Kevin Cedeño, regional director of MINSA, has urged the population to take preventive measures, such as frequent hand washing, covering coughs, avoiding contact with sick people and using disinfectant gel.  The province of Panama Oeste has recorded an alarming increase in the number of deaths from influenza, reaching a total of five during the last week, as confirmed by the regional directorate of the Ministry of Health (MINSA). 


Faced with this worrying situation, MINSA has redoubled its efforts in the vaccination campaign, carrying out intensive sessions in shopping centers, supermarkets and health centers.  According to data provided by the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI), a total of 3,285 doses of the influenza vaccine were administered last weekend, along with 1,138 doses of other vaccines. 


To combat this situation, it is essential that the community unite in adopting these precautions and actively participating in vaccination campaigns, in order to protect everyone’s health.