La Fragata in the crosshairs again

A group of people was surprised by an official of the Bella Vista Community Board on Tuesday, January 26, inside the La Fragata restaurant, in Obarrio.
It was the second breach of lockdown rules, and the previous one last August led to the resignation of four officials.
Christian Vieira Piad, head of citizen services for the community council, reported that when he arrived, after receiving complaints received, he was “attacked.” And lold the digital medium Foco Panamá that those who were inside prevented him from doing his work.
“There were four tables and eight to twelve people,” he said. Before leaving, he posted the subpoena for administrators under the restaurant door.
The Bella Vista representative, Ricky Domínguez, also arrived on site, who said that although restaurant owners have expressed their concern about the prolonged closure due to the pandemic, he indicated that he will enforce the rules as established in the decree.