Virus cases  and deaths surge

191 new infections  brought  the  total  cases of COVID-19 to 4,568  on Monday, April 20,

There are 3,954 people, in-home isolation of those 953 are in hospital hotels, 364 are hospitalized, 266  are in wards, and  98 in intensive care and deaths have climbed to 136.

Clinically, 1,809 have recovered and by laboratory 204 people have recovered.

20,996 tests have been carried out, of which 16,023 have proved negative.

The majority of cases are in the 20 to 39 years age group (1,910), followed by the group of 40 to 59 years (1,755),  and in third place is the range of years (625), range under 20 years (260), and over 80 (108)