Fuel prices jump on Friday



The Ministry of Energy has announced new fuel prices which will kick in on Friday, August 11.

95 octane gasoline will raise its price by five cents, leaving it at one dollar with 18 cents per liter. 91 octane gasoline will rise by five cents to 1.09 cents per liter.

Low sulfur diesel will rise by nine cents, remaining at $1.01 a literThese prices will apply until 5:59 am August 25.

With these new fuel prices, the savings per subsidized gallon in the 91-octane fuel will be 0.88 cents. 

And in the diesel gallon, the savings would be 0.58 cents. A gallon of 91-octane gasoline and subsidized diesel is 3 dollars and 25 cents. The government approved extending the validity of the fuel subsidy until  August 14.