Cortizo whitewash of health official sparks backlash

The Monday, September 7 statements of President Laurentino Cortizo, absolving  the Minister Counselor of Health, Eyra Ruiz, of  violating government  decrees when attending a funeral in the Church of Santa Ana, sparked immediate  reactions from civic groups and on social media

Luis Pinedo of Citizen Oversight took the lead and harshly criticized the “look the other way” action of Cortizo who when elected promised strong action against defaulters

“I believe that we have to detach ourselves from the legal issue (…), we have to adhere to the example that our leaders must give to a people, a people that has spent six months going through a thousand and one complications that are the

government’s fault As rulers they should show empathy, it does not matter if the relevant permits for burials had been given the day. Earlier, thousands of Panamanians have not been able to bury their loved ones.  

“The authorities must lead by example, so the Minister-Counselor Ruíz should have called to order at that funeral”

The President  said the Ministerr did not violate decrees or resolutions .