Pan American health body issues  hydroxychloroquine warning

The indiscriminate use of hydroxychloroquine and without medical supervision can cause serious adverse effects on health warns the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)

Ths conclusion was reflected in the last country situation report prepared by that international organization on of Covid-19 in Panama.

According to PAHO, in the intense search for effective drug therapy, hydroxychloroquine, widely touted by US President Donald Trump has been the focus of enormous public attention, despite the lack of evidence.

“By virtue of this, PAHO warns about the potential effects of cardiotoxicity, myopathy and retinopathy, and that, therefore, their indiscriminate use without medical supervision can expose the population to serious adverse health effects,” the report says.

To date, more than 200 therapeutic interventions against the virus are investigated in more than 1,700 clinical studies. Specifically, in the case of hydroxychloroquine, PAHO reviewed and identified 16 randomized clinical trials and the conclusion was that it does not show benefits in reducing mortality or in the time necessary for the clinical improvement of the patient.


Treatment of patients with this drug was suspended in Panama on May 27, due to a scientific observation made by the British  scientific journal The Lancet . Almost two months later, on July 13, at the instruction of the Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, the General Directorate of Public Health issued circular No. 140, by means of which the public and private health authorities were authorized , to resume the use of the drug.


As established by the Ministry of Health (Minsa) , hydroxychloroquine will be administered under medical criteria and after the consent of the patient.

However, PAHO suggested that drugs, such as hydroxychloroquine (alone or in combination with azithromycin), should be used only in the framework of research studies, in the context of randomized clinical trials that evaluate their safety and efficacy and that are properly registered, approved and ethically acceptable.