No Panama deaths due to vaccine – Minsa

No deaths have been reported due to vaccines against covid-19 said the director of Public Health, of the Health Ministry (Minsa), Nadja Porcell, on Thursday, June 17.

“The deaths that have been registered have been patients who have died from Covid-19, but who are not attributed to the vaccine,” said Porcell.

According to ministry records, in recent months a decrease in deaths has been noted in the country and the fatality percentage remains below 2. According to the latest epidemiological report, it is 1.7%.

Porcell explained that the vaccination process shows a significant decrease in the mortality of older adults.

In its biweekly report, the  (Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) highlighted that Panama, highlighting that the majority of people over 60 years of age already have the complete immunization cycle against the virus.

“Preliminarily, the hypothesis could be generated that the observed trends could be the effect of vaccination; however, the situation should continue to be observed and have more information on what is happening in other population groups where vaccination is expanding ”, PAHO says.

Porcell reiterated that being immunized, people who become infected have the possibility of presenting a positive evolution and developing milder forms of the disease.