Functioning judicial system outweighs high GDP – business leaders


The functioning of a judicial system and respect for the law constitute the main indicator of the health of a society, overriding a high GDP or foreign investments said Panama’s Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (Cciap)on Sunday, October 1.

“Recent high-profile cases in our country have highlighted the need to continue working to improve our system of administration of justice and strengthen the rule of law,” the union indicated.

For the Cciap, it is “worrying” that Panama continues to face a vulnerable justice system, which often grants impunity to those who systematically challenge it.

“Unfortunately, over the years, we have witnessed how the blatant theft of state resources goes unpunished due to our weakened institutions,”  the Chamber said.

For the country, the situation “is not a minor problem, since this “criminal behavior and constant disregard for the law have consequences that go far beyond the courts, affecting the quality of life of an entire population, the country’s infrastructure and the quality of public services.”

“Without reliable and expeditious justice, social and economic stability becomes unattainable,” it added.

This week the Cciap will hold the forum of the Country Agenda Project 2024 – 2029, focused on a transparent, efficient, and participatory institutional framework, in which they will highlight the importance of the balance of public powers, the promotion of trust and stability, impartial justice, clear rules for all actors and constant legal security.

They also plan to review specific proposals, such as the “imminent departure ” of the country from the Central American Parliament (Parlacen), a regional organization that “does not prove to provide real contributions to the future of Panama and on the contrary has become a shell of impunity after the which politicians and figures involved in high-profile cases hide behind.”